Repaving of Highway 1 East to Begin in April

Repaving of Highway 1 East to Begin in April

As part of our ongoing construction of the Regina Bypass, we will be resurfacing six kilometres of Highway 1 East between Tower Road and Pilot Butte, in early April.


What You Need to Know:

  • The preparation for the resurfacing of the Highway 1 east-bound lanes is targeted to begin in April, weather permitting.


  • Once the preparation work begins, motorists will use crossover lanes to smoothly transition from divided to undivided highway travel.


  • Gravel Pit Road will continue to have portable traffic lights to safely accommodate traffic during construction.


  • To assist with traffic flow during construction, portable traffic lights will be added at Tower Road.


  • To accommodate the resurfacing of the Highway 1west-bound lanes, all traffic will be moved to the newly resurfaced east-bound lanes in July, weather permitting.


  • Motorists can expect short delays due to speed reduction as they make their commute to and from Regina.


We want to thank all residents for their patience and understanding as we work to improve the long-term safety and transportation system in the area.


If you require additional information or have a specific question, please visit or call 1-844-679-4828.